Saturday, November 20, 2010

Don't Let Your No-Claims Discount Slip

It's a difficult quandary for drivers - you've built up a large no-claims discount with your existing car insurance provider and now you're buying a second vehicle. However, your provider won't mirror your no-claims bonus leaving you to reach into your pockets for a sky-high premium.

For many motorists buying a second vehicle will mean waving goodbye to substantial savings. Choosing an insurer that won't honour your no-claims on a second motor will typically bump up premiums by 67 per cent.
However, there is a solution - as there are now a host of car insurance companies that will mirror your discount on to a second car. The likes of Swiftcover, Virgin, Zurich, More Than and NFU Mutual all honour no-claims discounts while several other providers assess cases based on individual circumstances.

The savings are particularly significant for couples that have shared a car and then decide to buy a second motor. For example, a 30-year-old Vauxhall Astra driver who mirrors her husband's no-claims discount could pick up an annual car insurance premium below £230. By contrast, the same driver could pay anything from £370 to £550 with an insurer that doesn't allow mirroring.

So if you're shopping around for car insurance the best advice is to consider your future and think about whether or not you're likely to have more than one car in your household. If you are, then choose a competitive car insurance quote from a provider that will allow you to mirror your discount - meaning you can pick up significant savings for safe driving.

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